Mouth Guards in Danvers

Mouth Guards Near You

There’s a reason why dentists in Danvers frequently recommend wearing a mouth guard, especially to those individuals who are very active: because they provide amazing protection for your smile! Our teeth and gums do a lot for us and that’s why it’s our job to ensure that they’re well taken care of.

For more information about mouth guards in Danvers, contact our local dental clinic today!

mouthguards near you

Why Do I Need a Mouth Guard?

Bruxism is a term that refers to clenching and grinding your teeth, particularly while you sleep. This can cause jaw aches, lead to chipped and cracked teeth, and headaches amongst other things. A great way to address this issue is wearing a dental guard.

There are two types of dental guards that you can receive, and they are a night guard and a traditional mouth guard.

A night guard, as the name clearly indicates, is worn when you sleep. This device is designed to separate your top and bottom row of teeth and can even help adjust the position of your jaw to reduce pain and clenching.

In comparison, an ordinary mouth guard is very similar, but it poses as a shield for your teeth, gums, and tongue when you engage in activities during the day. Although you can purchase a stock mouth guard that makes use of the boil-and-bite method, it’s always better to have a device that’s customized to satisfy your oral dimensions. That way it won’t slip out or shift out of place.

To learn more about receiving mouth guards near you, get in touch with your dentist near you. They’ll be able to answer any questions you have.

The Process of Receiving Mouth Guards in Danvers

When you come in to receive a customized mouth guard near you, your appointment will begin with your dentist performing a thorough examination of your teeth. They may also take a series of dental x-rays to create a detailed picture of your oral health.

Next, they’ll take molds of your teeth. Typically, mouth guards are made to fit over your top row of teeth but if you’re looking for additional protection, you can also receive full mouth guards near you that cover both your upper and lower row of teeth. These impressions are sent off to the dental lab where your device is fabricated.

Once it’s ready, you’ll return to receive it.

Are you interested in acquiring mouth guards in Danvers? We’ve got you covered! Call or visit our website to book a consultation and get started today! At Danvers Family Dental, we take your oral health seriously, and our staff will do everything they can to help you preserve and maintain your beautiful smile.