Tooth Extraction Explained Step by Step

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tooth extraction explained step by step

Although tooth extractions may seem like a difficult procedure, our dentist in Danvers performs them frequently. The stress of the event is reduced when one knows what to anticipate.

Tooth extractions may result in consequences, much like any other medical treatment, including the chance of infection, a dry socket, and prolonged swelling. However, if these risks can be managed well, the likelihood of additional issues can be reduced.

What are tooth extractions?

The pulling of teeth may be necessary from time to time in order to maintain or enhance your oral health. There are a number of reasons why your dentist could advise this option, and they are:
Preparing for braces: It is not uncommon for patients to have a tooth or two pulled during the lead up to orthodontic treatment. This is done so their is room in your

  • Preserving or making space: Wisdom teeth are extracted if there is not enough space for them to grow properly, if they’re decayed, or impacted.
  • Injury or decay: Teeth that are badly damaged or decayed, and cannot be repaired through restorative dental means like a crown or root canal, often undergo tooth extractions near you.
  • Other illnesses or conditions: Cancer patients who are undergoing radiation or chemotherapy might need to have their teeth pulled to avoid developing an infection during their treatment.
  • Gum disease: Those with periodontitis or gum disease could be advised to receive a tooth extraction to stop infection and further decay from occurring.
  • Failed root canal: Dentists do all they can to save your original tooth, which is why root canals are frequently recommended and performed. This solution is very effective but in rare cases, it doesn’t always go that way, so an extraction is the last resort to preserve your smile.

Regardless of why you need an extraction, always make sure to speak with your dentist first. They’ll work with you to identify the best dental option.

Who performs the procedure?

A straightforward tooth extraction with forceps can be completed by a general dentist. However, for a surgical extraction, only an oral surgeon is authorized to carry out the procedure.

What happens before an extraction?

Your afflicted tooth and the gums around it will be examined by your dentist through a series of x-rays and a physical examination. This allows them to see how healthy your jawbone is and the surrounding tissue, as well as identify any other damage. Make sure that you also tell your dentist near you about any medications you’re on, as some of them can impact your dental health.

What happens during a tooth extraction?

To make the area around the tooth pain-free, anesthetic medication is provided. Next up, a special tool called an elevator, may be used by your dentist to detach your tooth. Once it’s been wriggled free, forceps are used to fully extract it.

What happens after a tooth extraction?

Soon after tooth extractions in Danvers:

  • Your mouth will be covered in gauze to stop the bleeding. This will aid in the formation of a blood clot. As the bone grows back in, the clot fills the socket.
  • Even though your lips and cheeks may seem numb, this will pass in a few hours.
  • To help reduce swelling, you can be given an ice pack for your cheek area.
  • You can start to experience pain when the numbing medication wears off. Your dentist will suggest painkillers to help with this; they can either be prescription or over-the-counter ones.

What are the risks involved in tooth extractions?

Infection, dry socket, hemorrhage, nerve damage, sinus problems, delayed healing, jaw fracture, and anesthetic difficulties are all potential dangers associated with tooth extraction.

How long does it take to recover from a tooth extraction?

Each person recovers at a different pace. The socket will heal in one to two weeks. Bone and other tissue that is damaged may require more time to mend. The bone and tissue close to the extraction site may alter in certain people.

Have more questions?

Discuss your treatment options with our oral surgeon or Danvers Family Dental if there is a problem. Consult our dentist and oral surgeon to discuss treatment options. We very much look forward to working with you soon!